Hiking is a great way to experience the joys of the outdoors and get in some much-needed exercise. If you are new to hiking and have never hiked before, you may have some questions and concerns about your first hike.

What should I pack? What should I wear?

All these questions are valid concerns that will be addressed later in the article. In the article, you will learn 12 fun hiking tips for beginners so you can feel more comfortable and confident to enjoy your first hiking adventure.


What To Pack

  • Navigation Tools

Remember to pack a map, compass, and/or GPS. This will ensure you always know where you are and where you are going throughout your trip. Without fully knowing where you are going and guessing, this brings unnecessary stress that will impact your overall experience.

  • First-Aid Kit

Bring a first-aid kit that has blister treatment, band-aids and bandage wraps, tape, gauze pads, and any sort of medications you may need.

  • Multi-Purpose Tool or Knife

Throughout your hiking trip, you always want to come prepared no matter the circumstance. That’s why it’s important to have a multi-purpose knife if you need to cut any bandages or even branches in your path along your trip.

  • Sun Protection

Being that you will be in the sun most of the day, it’s essential to protect your skin with a strong SPF of at least 30 or higher. Remember to apply every hour or two to ensure the most sun protection.

  • Backpack

Bring a comfortable backpack to house all your belongings. Comfortability is key here. Remember to adjust your backpack to best rest on your body.

  • Trash Bag

Bring a trash bag to dispose of all your garbage throughout your hiking trip and keep the trails and environment just as you left it!

  • Bug Repellant

Nature inevitably brings all sorts of insects like ticks, bees, mosquitoes, and many more. It’s important to bring bug spray to reduce your exposure to these bugs.

  • Toiletries

As a beginner, you should likely not hike too far from civilization/ any public restrooms. Yet, if you do find yourself in such a situation, having toilet paper, hand sanitizer, and waste bags is important if you cannot find a bathroom nearby.

What To Wear

  • Rain Protection

The weather sometimes can be unpredictable. That’s why it’s important to bring rain gear like a lightweight rain poncho in case of an occasional storm or two.

  • Hiking Shoes

Being that you will be on your feet all day, having the right hiking shoes that fit your terrain, material (breathable, light-weight shoes), and cut will ensure you are comfortable on your hike.

What To Eat

  • Water

You must stay hydrated as this will give you the means to function properly. Sip water periodically as you likely will be constantly moving around.

  • Food

Another essential, make sure to bring enough food on your trip so you have enough fuel to enjoy your hiking adventures. Without enough food, you’ll constantly be hungry which inevitably will deter you from being as active/ hiking as much as possible.