Electric cars have been one of the biggest and most exciting developments in technology for a long time. With new electric models being introduced every month, they make great gifts for car lovers year-round! So put on your thinking cap and read this guide to see if electric cars can be right for you!


How does an Electric Car Work?

First off , we should start by explaining how electricity works. Electricity is generated through motion using energy stored in a battery (or batteries) housed inside an electric car. The amount of electricity produced depends on many factors, including the wheels’ speed.

This means that not only will an electric car work just as well on the motorways, but it also has a lot less impact on the environment than a petrol/diesel-powered car.

Also, while charging up your electric vehicle takes around 4-6 hours, most people have their vehicles charged overnight, so there’s no need to worry about running out of charge before you get back home.

Who Are They For?

Before we tell you whether electric cars are better than other cars, you need to consider who would benefit from buying such a model. After all, not everyone needs an electric model. If you’re looking for something more practical, then you might want to buy a petrol or diesel-powered model instead. However, electric cars might be perfect for you if you like to stay connected throughout your day and find transport difficult or expensive or want to reduce your carbon footprint.

What are the benefits of using an electric car?

Cheaper to run – As mentioned above, electric cars use very low amounts of fuel, making them cheaper to run than similar petrol/diesel models. This, combined with the fact that you never need to fill up, results in much cheaper daily motoring costs.

No emissions – Unlike other forms of transport, both petrol/diesel engines and internal combustion engines produce harmful gases that pollute our air. Not an issue with electric cars since they don’t use any fuel! Not using gas/petrol means no harmful fumes entering the atmosphere and therefore no pollution.

Greater range – While petrol/diesel cars tend to have between 100-150 miles per tank, several electric cars are available today that can travel 200+ miles without charging. These models cost a little bit more when compared to those that offer 60-100 miles, thanks to their higher price tag.

Convenient – Since you won’t ever run out of power, you won’t need to stop to refuel, which makes your life easier and saves money.

Cost-effective – With reduced maintenance costs, you could save thousands over the lifespan of your car.

Safer – It is estimated that driving an electric car reduces the risk of accidents by 25%!

Cheaper to maintain – Once again, this is down to the lower maintenance requirements. You need to top up the battery now and then rather than having to change filters, etc.


Electric cars certainly aren’t for everyone. But if you do decide to take one onto the road, you’ll benefit from some advantages.