Teaching your kids the basics of carpentry is one of the most rewarding things you can do as a parent. It teaches them skills they will use for life, gives them confidence, and makes them proud to show off their woodworking. And it’s quite easy to teach your kid how to make things out of wood. Parents in this business know that there is not much more important than teaching children how to build things with their own hands. For most parents, raising their child requires patience, persistence, time, money, energy, commitment, discipline, planning, and lots of love.


The goal of teaching your kids carpentering is simple-to learn some basic skills then give them free rein over them. As long as their project remains safe, they can go wild. They’ll have fun while learning about their home and the environment around them. Read on if you want to teach your children how to work with hand tools!

Below are guidelines on how to teach carpentry to kids:

1) Set up an educational experience for your child

Your child’s first projects should be small enough to fit securely into a toolbox or box. Consider what materials he would need to complete his first projects. Please make sure these supplies are appropriate for his level of skill and age. Some parents worry about introducing power tools into the mix but keep it limited to basics like drills and saws. Keep the number of tools your child works with to a minimum.

2) Choose the right material for your kids

Materials are usually assigned based on your child’s hand size. A bigger hand will require thicker boards and heavier weight finishes such as oil stain. Smaller hands might get by with thinner boards and lighter finishes. Be careful when choosing woods. Hardwoods like oak and maple may be intimidating to work with at first but offer great longevity and natural beauty. Softwoods like pine and cedar work best for beginners because they’re easier to cut, finish and glue down.

3) Teach your kid how to select, handle, shape, and smooth wood

You don’t want your son or daughter working with raw pieces of wood that could hurt them or cause injury. To accomplish this, you can help them choose the right types of wood and determine which cuts they should make.

4) Give them a place to practice

Please provide them with a space large enough to store tools and projects safely. Allow them plenty of space away from distractions like TVs, computers, and phones to allow uninterrupted focus. The next step is to teach them how to operate the tools properly.

5) Teach them about safety and shop rules

Explain why each rule exists. Make sure you explain the importance of protecting themselves and others and following established safety procedures.

6) Let them try different techniques

Introduce them to various methods, including shaping wood, creating joints with clamps, and gluing pieces together. Have them experiment with finishing techniques such as applying stains and oils and even adding decorative touches.


The above information is just a few ways to start teaching kids carpentry. Each child has unique talents and interests so take your cues from them.